Friday, November 18, 2011


As we head south for our time of healing provided by none other than the sounds of the waves washing upon the sands from the Gulf if Mexico, we stop off at Herculaneum, MO. I must ask, what would one benefit from naming a town such? Interesting none-the-less & nothing to make it stand out from any other place to recharge a travelers soul.

Here's to the Herculaneum irony in all of our lives. May we each discover random oddities in the humor of our travels.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Good Bourbon

So, shopping for me is always an adventure; actually, my life is an adventure. Anyhoo, when one is making a Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie that calls for 1/4 cup of Bourbon, one must purchase such.

So, standing in Wally World, with no clue about what Bourbon really is, I decide to head to Hy-Vee instead and let their Spirits manager assist me. I know he thinks I am a dork when I explain to him that I am buying the two airplane sized bottles of Southern Comfort to obtain a 1/4 cup for my pie. He proceeds to tell me that the bottles I am holding in my hands are NOT good Bourbon and places within my hands, Jim Beam, which he tells me will make my pies scrumptious.

Off to the checkout lane in the main section of the store, where my young, male checker & bagger obviously do not believe that this purchase is for baking and not drinking, while handing the two bottles to me to put into my purse. Like I plan to sip it and drive with my 10 year old. The nerve. However, no matter how much explaining I did about them being purchased for my pies, they did not believe me. I am crushed. Not really, I find it amusing. Oh, and the Spirits Manager tells me he prefers his Bourbon over ice, no water. Eww! ;o)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Ocean

Two weeks from today & I shall be inhaling deeply of saltwater breezes! I can just about hear the roar of the waves as they move towards shore & the tinkling sounds the water makes as it brushes up against recently deposited seashells. Dolphin sightings at the beginning & end of most days & hungry gulls trying to assist me with my toast.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Only dry spinners allowed?

An intriguing site here in Springfield, MO; a fitness center that connects to a package liquor store. Makes me wonder what type of disclaimers they make their gym members complete before utilizing their equipment.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Shedding of the Chameleon

Oh dear spirit, what has become of thee?

The innocent, accepting, trusting nature from birth.

Young child of pain, what does your heart long for?

Young adult, learning to hide thy true self; longing to be known, fearing the result.

Woman, mother now too; looking with love into the depths of your new baby's eyes. Daring to love her with all of your being. Making silent vows to love her with a love like you wish you had known.

Oh spirit, you have been found. Twas love that you needed to draw you out. The unconditional love of another. From One who can love you and did love you and does love you right where you are.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prayer that works

Too often I hear people say, I'll be thinking 'good thoughts' for you! May I ask what power there is in a 'good thought'? Would you rather people think 'good thoughts' for you or tell you they will be praying a prayer before the very throne of our almighty God who hears our prayers & loves us & comforts us & who heals? I'll take the later any day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When Love Touches a Beautiful Soul

Today I was reminded of how it breaks my heart for people to feel lonely and unloved.  I had the most amazing opportunity to call and speak with a home bound 71 year old widow.  She is pretty much deaf for all purposes and is feeling the effect of declining health.  To the world, she is used up and not needed.  Set aside so that the so-called lovely and worth-while things of this life can be given attention to.

While talking to this lovely gem of a woman, she told me time and again that my call meant a million times over to her.  She continued to thank me as I told her I am only a phone call away.  It is beautiful what speaking love and kindness into another's heart does.  You could hear the age melting away from her voice.  You could imagine her relishing in childhood memories of being found attractive and worth-while and able to contribute. 

Blessing her with love I would argue did as much for my soul as it did hers.  I wish that our society did not neglect those that have gone before us.  I wish our culture would cherish the richness of what lies within their souls.  For we shall truly be a damaged culture if we do not take time to invest in the elderly and less lovely of our culture or so the world would deem them.  I would argue that they hold more beauty than what our culture cherishes. 

Blessed are they who love others and work to be the wind beneath the wings of those who are lowly.....